The Right Chair Press

The Right Chair Press is my own imprint, for my self published range. The name comes from one of the key elements in the Cambridge Fellows series, but maybe you guessed that already.

The new Cambridge Fellows novella, Created with GIMPLessons in Keeping a Dangerous Promise is out now. Jonty Stewart and Orlando Coppersmith like nothing better than being asked to solve mysteries, but when they get commissioned to help someone fulfil a vow he made to a late comrade in arms, matters start to cut too close to home for both of them.

Fancy more Cambridge Fellows?

Lessons in Solving the Wrong Problem, Jonty Stewart and Orlando Coppersmith get asked by Lord Henry Byrd to locate a treasure trove that mysteriously disappeared many years ago. But is that the case Lord Henry actually wants them to solve?

Lessons in Following a Poisonous Trail. Who is trying to poison Cambridge dons? And why does Jonty Stewart have to be flat on his back with a rugby injury when there’s a culprit to catch?

Lessons in Playing a Murderous Tune.  Orlando Coppersmith is called in to solve not one but two problems: a suspected murder and a mysterious violin.

 Lessons in Cracking the Deadly Code.  Why has somebody been crawling about on the chapel roof and who’s obsessed with searching in the library out of hours?

Lessons in Chasing the Wild Goose.  Why would anybody murder a man with no enemies? And was it murder in the first place?

Lessons in Loving thy Murderous Neighbour. What happens when you have to defend your greatest enemy on a charge of murder?


Love in Every Season Four seasons, four stories, one connection – finding love.


Wild Bells Two stories by Charlie Cochrane

The Shade on a Fine Day:
Curate William Church may set the hearts of the parish’s young ladies aflame, but he doesn’t want their affection or presents, no matter how much they want to give them to him. He has his sights set elsewhere, for a love he’s not allowed to indulge. One night, eight for dinner at the Canon’s table means the potential arrival of a ghost. But what message will the spirit bring and which of the young men around the table is it for?

The Angel in the Window:
Two officers, one ship, one common enemy.
Alexander Porterfield may be one of the rising stars of the British navy, but his relationship with his first lieutenant, Tom Anderson, makes him vulnerable. To blackmail, to anxieties about exposure—and to losing Tom, either in battle or to another ship. When danger comes more from the English than the French, where should a man turn?


In the Spotlight Two stories by Charlie Cochrane

All That Jazz
Francis Yardley may be the high kicking star of an all-male version of Chicago, but bitter, and on the booze after the breakdown of a relationship, he thinks that the chance for true love has passed him by. A handsome, shy rugby player called Tommy seems to be the answer to his problems, but Tommy doesn’t like the lipstick and lace. Can they find a way forward and is there still a chance for happiness “nowadays”?

If Music Be
Rick Cowley finds himself taking up am-dram once more, thinking it’ll help him get over the death of his partner. He’d never anticipated it would mean an encounter with an old flame and the sort of emotional complications the Bard would have revelled in. Still, old Will had the right word for every situation, didn’t he?